On Civil Society

A nation has to defend itself against foreign intervention in Post conflict by:

  1. Eliminating impunity for those holding public office
  2. Rejecting identity politics aka. hijacking of religion and ideology by political, tribal, and religious leaders
  3. Implementing fairness and equity for marginalized and vulnerable groups

The below are simply examples i gave today.

Rethinking the provision of public services in post conflict states.

Link to wikileaks from the clinton emails

Paul collier 2009

Rebuilding Nations :
PSA is a public agency: it is an implementing agency of government but is independent of the civil service, analogous to central banks and revenue authorities. While it is an agency of
government, its board of directors can include a minority of non-government appointees. In postconflict conditions these should include the main donor agencies and key components of civil society. The primary purpose of such representation is to provide equal and unrestricted access to information on the decisions and performance of the PSA for government, donors and civil society. As a result, a PSA is structurally transparent .

Lebanon’s corruption Index

Lebanon Ranks 149 out of 180


The Haiti became a republic of NGOs

Link to Article

Jean-Ronald Jocelyn, an education program manager at Hope for Haiti, told American Magazine“NGOs help poor people but do not help them to get out of poverty.” Since most NGOs run charity programs, they have created a culture of dependency.

Regarding US aid, most money ends up in the pockets of US companies or aid agency employees. Moreover, since virtually all aid comes from nonprofits, Haitians have lost confidence in institutions, weakening governance and democracy.

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